Will Hamilton Still Back Verstappen's Aggressive Moves?

The Inside Line F1 Podcast is hosted by Mithila Mehta and Kunal Shah. This Formula One podcast offers a unique humourous view on the sport. Follow us on Facebook and on Google+Follow on Twitter: Mithila Mehta and Kunal Shah
Max Verstappen pulled off a ‘Verstappen’ on Lewis Hamilton at Suzuka. This made us wonder, will Lewis Hamilton still back Max Verstappen’s aggressive moves? The Hamilton vs. Verstappen battle was our highlight moment!

The FIA had a chat with Verstappen and told him that they’re ‘watching’ him. Well, if not for Verstappen, who have the FIA been watching all of 2016? This lad has had our eyes glued on him. Maybe, Baby Vettel is now THE Vettel for Red Bull Racing. (Will The FIA Ban The Shoey?)

The Rosberg vs. Hamilton battle – we’re hoping for at least one on-track battle between the two title rivals before this year’s championship is concluded. However, it seems that Hamilton is hell bent on picking battles on and off track. We discuss the various avoidable episodes for the Lewis Hamilton camp from the last week. By the way, some of it reminded us of the prank played on Juan Pablo Montoya in 2004. (Will The Real Lewis Hamilton Please Stand Up?)

Nico Hulkenberg To Renault, Brave Or Suicidal Career Move? 

Will Nico Rosberg be a worthy Formula 1 champion? That’s the latest debate on social media and while we’re not taking sides, we do add our perspectives from this season. Rosberg does seem to be suffering bout of ‘fear of missing out’ (or FOMO). At the same time, we should be thankful that we’ve a fight on our hands (and on the tele) as we witness the 2016 Drivers’ Championship being fought tooth-and-nail between two team-mates, driving for a team that’s been very fair and just in their approach towards both contenders. On that note, THANK YOU and CONGRATULATIONS, Mercedes! (No Team Orders, Please)


Mercedes to Formula E? We tell you why they’re eyeing another single-seater championship and if Red Bull and Ferrari could follow suit too. Are Mercedes too bored of dominating Formula 1 and now have their sights on Formula E? Also, if Formula E’s prowess grows in the coming years, will Formula 1 lose its relevance? Or could Formula 1 go all-electric to remain relevant? The next few years will define the future of this category of racing. (Has Formula 1 Given Formula E A Chance?)

Ferrari and Mclaren – two of Formula 1’s most-iconic teams seem unable to find an answer to their struggles. As for Ferrari and Sebastian Vettel, is the ‘Michael Schumacher’ dream going to remain a dream after all? And it seems that curse of the ‘Number 2’ got to Vettel in Suzuka, after all. Would a 16th and 18th place finish at Suzuka please Honda? Well, so long as Fernando Alonso didn’t compare their Formula 1 engine to a GP2 engine! (Boring Formula 1 Might Be Good For Heineken)

We tell you why Nico Hulkenberg should hedge his bets and go off to Renault and how GP3 is trying all it can to make sure their drivers are Formula 1 ready from 2017 onwards. The one line we had fun reading in this episode was ‘Jan wonders if his son will have a contract come Jan’! And finally, we scoop out some inside information to tell you why the revolutionary ‘car-to-television’ interview was deferred from Malaysia to Japan.

Tune in!

(Season 2016, Episode 33)

Kunal Shah is an FIA-accredited Formula 1 journalist who has been reporting on Formula 1 for nearly two decades. He worked with the Force India Formula 1 Team for 6 seasons in Marketing, Sponsorship and Commercial roles. As a former single-seater racer, he was responsible for Force India's grassroots talent program, One from a Billion Hunt. Presently, he co-writes a regular Formula 1 column for Firstpost, speaks on Inside Line F1 Podcast & Pits to Podium and produces broadcast/OTT content for NENT Group (Viasport & Viaplay).

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